

Here is a little insight as to who we are, what we do and why we do it…

Why Did You Name it Buckeye Ridge Farm?

Our farm name comes from a variety of sources…

  • Buckeye Trees are the Ohio state tree (thus the name of The Ohio State University’s sports teams, The Ohio State Buckeyes)
  • Our woods have many varieties of trees and near the creek we have several Buckeyes.
  • Our property sits at a high elevation in the county. A local friend always refers to us as being “up on the Ridge”

After months of struggling to find the right name… one day while riding the tractor, it hit Steve… Buckeye Ridge Farm! No, he didn’t get hit by a falling buckeye nut, but that would have made an interesting story too, haha!

The Semers and their dog Baby welcome you from their front porch

Why Did You Start Raising Goats?

Our property was overrun with poison ivy and multi-flower rose bushes! They ate it all! That’s how it began… we started with just 4 goats and it grew from there. They each have their own personalities, each fun and funny in its own way. Many evenings, especially in the spring when the kids are born, we sit on the front porch and watch what we call “Goat TV”, They are very entertaining!

  • We sell goats At any time we have does, bucks and kids for sale
  • We rent out our goats if you need ground clearing the “natural way”
  • We sell raw cashmere fiber to spinners and crafters. Yes, cashmere comes from goats!

Goat girl in hay bed

A Country Retreat, Too?

Yes, We operate Buckeye Ridge Country Retreat – You can be our guests for an evening, weekend or week!

  • Sleeps up to 5 people
  • Handicap accessible: open floor plan on the ground floor
  • Includes kitchen, full bathroom, washer & dryer
  • Warm, radiant floor heat, window air conditioning
  • Windows provide beautiful woods, birds, and nature views

We built an addition to our house for Lynn’s aging mother.It was designed with her comfort and ease of living in mind, everything to make it comfortable, safe and enjoyable.

Years later, after Lynn’s mother passed away under the care of hospice at the local hospital, several friends stayed in the apartment over the years, helping us on the farm. After one friend flew the coop, Steve heard a story on the radio about the new upstart and popular web-based company, AirBnb. Share your home, rent your space, anything from a couch to a house, a room, a camper – you name it. What a great idea! People are always asking to visit the goats, walk the woods, enjoy the country – why not share it? Thus Buckeye Ridge Country Retreat was born.


Be Our Guest & Explore


Garden and driveway entry, view from front of apartment

Garden and driveway entry, view from front of apartment

Explore our site, and if you want to vacation on our farm or are planning a visit to North East Ohio – take a trip to Wooster, Ohio and enjoy all the wonderful things and places Wayne County has to offer– Book a night or a week at the Retreat! If you want to raise goats or buy cashmere fiber just shoot us an email and we will be happy to discuss the possibilities with you.

Steve & Lynn Semer